Care pro home care indonesia
We are a family-owned and operated business that provides quality in-home health and personal care services to the elderly and chronically ill. We have offices in all five boroughs and Long Island. Our staff of caregivers is specially trained to provide the best care possible for their patients. Our home healthcare agency is also fully licensed and insured.
Caregivers are crucial for palliative care. Especially in Indonesia, where the lack of formal institutions prevents patients with terminal illness to access supportive care, the majority of cancer patients are cared by their families. However, family caregivers often have little to no training in delivering basic care for their sick loved ones. Basic skills training for family caregivers is an effective approach to support their caregiving role, which can result in improved QoL of palliative cancer patients.
Homage was one of the recipients of the DBS Foundation Social Enterprise Grant Programme in 2016. Through this, we will be able to strengthen our partnership with local care organisations and Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs) to deploy Care pro home care indonesia Pros to serve lower income seniors. This will help to scale our impact and create a more inclusive Asia.
Wednesday, August 9, 2023