care pro home care indonesia
In Indonesia, family members are an integral part of the healthcare process in hospital settings. They take on a substantial amount of the responsibility for caring for a family member with a chronic illness, such as cancer. Family members often have little or no formal training for palliative care, leading to a lack of confidence and feeling of uncertainty in providing basic care.
Despite the high incidence of cancer in Indonesia, there is a shortage of formal institutions that provide palliative care. As a result, most patients are referred to home care by their physician, with the primary goal being to manage physical symptoms and pain. In addition, a family caregiver’s ability to perform basic care is hindered by social and cultural factors.
Our work is currently aimed at empowering family caregivers by providing basic skills training for palliative Care pro home care indonesia , thereby improving the quality of life (QoL) of cancer patients. The project also aims to promote awareness, build capacity, and establish community partnerships to scale and implement palliative care. Moreover, the tiered neighborhood system and gotong-royong mutual assistance are valuable tools for identifying patients in need of cancer palliative care and providing appropriate referrals.
Wednesday, August 9, 2023