Zoom's agreement to buy Five9 was scuttled on Thursday, the second big tech deal to fall through this year. A Justice Department-led panel said it was reviewing the U.S. videoconferencing company's purchase of the American customer-service software maker because of concerns about Chinese involvement. The companies had agreed to a $14.7 billion all-stock purchase in July.
The Justice Department is examining whether Zoom's acquisition of the American software company Five9 poses any national security risks, the Justice Department said in a statement. The review is focused on concerns that zoom555 technology could be used by Chinese government agencies for spying, the Justice Department said. The review also focuses on the possibility that Five9's technology could be used for censoring speech and blocking access to websites. The panel is composed of senior officials from the departments of Justice, Homeland Security and Commerce.
In a letter to the Justice Department, five members of Congress asked the panel to "examine carefully and objectively the potential impacts on the national security and foreign policy of the transaction." The senators requested details about any Chinese connections at the software company and about any technology that might be transferred to China. They also asked the Justice Department to provide them with all documents related to the review of the Five9 deal.
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